Mar 30, 2005

wolfkid jack

A newly-released study finds that the longer a man's ring finger is in comparison to the length of his index finger the more aggressive he's likely to be.

Apparently, lengthy ring fingers mean more prenatal testosterone or something, but I couldn't be bothered to read the details from the study. The bottom-line is that a guy who swings an excessively protruding ring finger is not someone with which to trifle.

Upon hearing this, I immediately flashed-back to a vision of The Kid (that's The Original Kid) playing the keyboard during a soldout performance at a concert hall. While watching The Kid's hairy, gnarled fingers flash up and down the keys, I was struck by his prodigious digits, particularly the length of his ring fingers. He could easily stretch across six keys to tap an ivory with those suckers. I didn't think much of this at the time. But now, I know ...