Mar 29, 2005

a venue for genius

I'd like to use this post to give thanks for the medium of blogging. Until quite recently, my brilliant musings were often tragically lost to society. When I would speak, my wisdom bursting with every utterance, there was rarely a large crowd on hand to listen to my opinions. But now, armed with TKID's Blog, literally thousands of reverent readers hang on my every typed word.

Critics of blogs and the greater pundit community, the chosen few, often use the crude maxim: opinions are like assholes; everybody's got one. To this I counter that not all are opinions are created equal. For instance, though it may be true that I've never left North America, my opinions on geopolitics are extremely valuable due to the immense knowledge I bring to any discussion. Just the other night, as I read a passage from The Lord of the Rings, I realized the uncanny parallels between Mordor and Iraq.(And don't get me started on the Gandalf/Dubya connections.) Few others could've brought such an intense, scholarly analysis as this to the table, linking the fantasy novel world and Dungeons & Dragons to that of Pentagon war planning. But without the medium of blogging, this brilliance might not have seen the light of day.

I'd enjoy nothing more than to give you my myriad thoughts on the Schiavo situation, the scientific and prophetic conclusions to be drawn from repeated Sumatran earthquakes, the impact fibrous tissues found in fossilized dinosaur bones may have on the intelligent design debate, or my thoughts on how the roots of liberalism are linked to dangerous tenets of masonry, but my mother is now bleating to me that it's time for me to take out the trash. Alas, I must log-off for now.