Mar 3, 2005

bring in the censors

Movies have left me unfulfilled of late. I don't what it is, perhaps the "sexual situations," explosions and other grim, non-Christian morals on parade in today's films. That's why I was so glad when I stumbled on this service: Just as their helpful little halo implies, Clean Films provides movies which have been helpfully sanitized by Christian censors - all for your viewing pleasure. This service could've prevented situations like the one I recently experienced on a plane, where the airline had chosen to screen "Silence of the Lambs." A wee lass happened to be working her way down the aisle when that great scene, the one where Buffalo Bill is twirling around sans Johnson, popped-up on the big aisle screen. When the kid looked at the screen, she shrieked in shear horror. If Clean Films had provided that tape, no sick wannabe transvestite dancing scenes for "Silence of the Lambs." Nothing much else, really. In fact, the service promises "no unpleasant surprises" as well. Does this mean that films will not only be snipped of their heathen pleasures, but also their twists and turns?

TKID3 is now a subscriber to Clean Films, and is eagerly awaiting arrival of his Christianized version of "The Passion." He will be sorely vexed if those gross scenes of Hey-Zeus being flayed haven't been removed.