Mar 3, 2005

Osama Bin Mama

President Bush today stated that he believed blocking any attempt by Osama bin Laden to attack America again was “the greatest challenge of our day.” The statement came on the heels of intelligence reports linking together Bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the top al-Qaida figure in Iraq, apparently planning new attacks inside the United States.

TKID4's memory sucks, but he does remember a few years back GWB commenting to the press that he wasn't really concerned with Bin Laden. A search for those quotes revealed these two gems from the Dubya.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Confusion reigns. To go from a non-priority to the greatest challenge America faces is a hell of a leap for a guy hiding in a cave with a motorola v-60 and a pocket Quran.

Perhaps this next google gem will assist us all. TKID4 found this interesting post about Bush and Bin Laden:

Posted by: Kidfinger
On: Sat September, 4 2004 @ 01:46 GMT
IF osama bin butt licker is captured, that will be the best News I've heard in a while, however, IM STILL NOT VOTING FOR BUSH!!!! I dont care if they bring the al pukas to thier knees, Im not going to vote for that SCHMUCK!:lol:

Truly inspiring words from the electorate.

Post script: "Kidfinger" has no connection to tkidsblog, as far as TKID4 knows.