Mar 22, 2005

FCC's decent into decency

Lost in all the humdrum over feeding tubes and the like is news that the Federal Communication Commission has a new leader. As of Monday, Kevin J. Martin, 38, is at the helm of the FCC and their "wardrobe malfunction" policing duties. Martin, a Bush appointee, possesses boyish good looks and impeccable morals. (In fact, Martin is a dead-ringer for TKid's Blog attorney, Andrew Penfield III. As they both sport Harvard degrees, we're starting to wonder if this is more than just a coincidence. By the way, Penfield, where the hell are you! I've got documents for you to shred.)

We here at TKid's Blog applaud Martin's appointment. The FCC needs a strong leader in a time when our youngsters are being exposed to errant breasts, curse words and obese women in tight jeans. Martin is renowned for his stern "anti-indecency stance" (take out the double negative and you've got pro-decency) and is considered far more aggressive in stomping out profanity than was his predecessor, Michael K. Powell. So here's to hoping that Martin can return the programming we see in our four hours of nightly TV viewing to the glee club era of "Leave it to Beaver" wholesomeness. But, just for the record, that little pencil-neck can't touch our stash of cyber-porn, can he?