Mar 29, 2005

Terri Schiavo Pay-per-view Vivisection

Michael Schiavo has ordered an autopsy be performed immediately upon the impending demise of his wife Terri, in part to stop rumors that he is planning on cremating her remains as part of an extensive cover-up. Schiavo's official autopsy request asks that the post-mortem procedure delve into the "massive" extent of the brain damage she suffered in 1990.

For TKID, there is only one thing worse than having an autopsy performed on you while you are still alive. And that is having incredible unphotogenic snap shots of your brain dead body plastered over every media outlet in the world. Why not just publish photos of TKID4's flaccid, atrophied man-unit on Fox News Channel on a repeating 24-hour news cycle for the next 6 months? Of course, Terri will be dead and gone by the time they open the sucker. But what will they find? I am betting on there being a gnome chillin' in her colon munching on what remains of Tom DeLay's dignity.

What pathologist drew this duty, BTW? Cutting open a 12-year bed ridden woman is quite a position to be in, almost as bad as being bed ridden yourself for more than a decade. I don't see Quincy knocking down the morgue doors to get a crack at that. Let's get some Republican Congresspersons to go in there and hold her spleen for a few seconds. Maybe what they witness will curb their activism. Congress should be careful when seeking entry into the private lives of its constituents. Sometimes its not very pretty in there.

On a related note, TKID4 ordered that his own autopsy be performed by man-eating Kimodo dragons off the coasts of the Galapagos.