Mar 2, 2005

Prophecy Club Members Only

The Left Behind series has spawned an interesting Neo-Con fascist sub group called the "Prophecy Club." Membership in the Prophecy Club costs only a few bucks and an implied pledge to sacrifice any and all civil liberties for the betterment of the Republic and book sales. Left Behind founder Tim LaHaye and contributing editor Mark Hitchcock offer club members (aka "Prophies") insights into the prophecies as revealed by themselves and lesser known Biblical scholars such as Paul and Timothy.

In this week's installment, Tim and Mark lead a traditional Amero-centrist discussion for Prophies regarding why the United States is not clearly mentioned in Bible prophecy, even though it is the only remaining superpower in the world today. They offer four alternatives, none of which suggest that Paul was tripping on ergot during his magical mystery tour around the Med 2000 years ago when he wrote his hallucinations down. That actually sounds like a blast come to think of it.

Possibility 1
America will still be a powerful nation in the last days, but the Lord simply chose not to mention her specifically.

This is possible, but it seems unlikely. In Scripture, the dominant political and military power in the end times is centered in the Mediterranean and in Europe. This scriptural silence concerning America seems to indicate that by the time the tribulation period arrives, America will no longer be a major influence in the world.

I might buy this theory if not for the fact that America has too many natural and cultural resources not to remain a "major influence" in the world. What is more likely is that it will recede to a second-tier power much like 20th century United Kingdom. Still, absent a complete unilateral nuclear disarmament, the U.S. will always be a pain the world's ass.

Possibility 2
America is not mentioned specifically in Scripture because she will be destroyed by other nations. She will suffer a fall from the outside.

Those who hold this theory are quick to point to the notion that America will be crippled by a nuclear attack. However, in recent days the terrorist attacks on our nation have led some to conclude that our own freedom and technology will be the Achilles' heel that brings us down.

Alert...Alert. Civil liberties threatened. They should call this series "Civil Rights Left Behind." I would rather be brought down by my love of freedom than live under some Bible toting tyrannt. The terrorist attacks have led many people to conclude many things. I concluded the U.S. intelligence community is a friggin joke. I also concluded the capacity for public pathos in this country is limitless. Finally, I concluded that the hi-jacking of some commuter planes was foreshadowed in Matthew, 19:22 which sayeth "For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother's womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." It couldn't be any clearer people.

Possibility 3
America is not mentioned in Bible Prophecy because she will have lost her influence as result of moral and spiritual deterioration. She will suffer a fall from the inside.

As you can imagine, this is a very popular view today in light of the moral malaise we see all around us. Proponents of this view have no trouble citing alarming statistics related to drug use, alcoholism, teen pregnancy, children born out of wedlock, divorce, pornography, abortion and on and on.

Wow, that's hot. Drugs, booze, porn....this sounds like TKID3's 8th grade graduation party. I have news for the Left Behinders, America is great because of these things. For instance, the entire nation of Germany is in love with Miami Vice. And that is because, from their dens in Dresden they can watch unshaven cops duke it out with drug dealing nymphos in thongs all while countryman Jan Hammer jams it out. What an export! Until the world ceases to be facinated with America and its vices, we will rule. Something else, the marrying age when Paul was freebasing shrooms and writing this stuff was 14. Talk about teen pregnancy. It's all relative.

Possibility 4
America is not mentioned in Bible Prophecy because she is brought to her knees by the Rapture.

If the rapture were to happen today and all the true believers in Jesus Christ were whisked away to heaven in a split second, America would be devastated. It is estimated that America will lose somewhere between 25 and 65 million citizens: Christians and their small children. Not only would the country lose a minimum of 10% of her population, but she would also lose the very best, the "salt and light" of this great land (see Matthew 5:13-14).

This is the money shot. I can't imagine what America would do if we lost Oral Roberts and John Tesh. I like the estimate of "between 25 and 65 million" people. Way to know your audience Left Behinders. Could you narrow it down by a few million? Actually, the Left Behind attorneys made them phrase it this way, for fear of post-rapture lawsuits. I can see it going down in court right now.

Plaintiff: Judge, my client was told in his Prophecy Club he would be raptured.

Judge: I want to take a five minute recess while I snort this bag of cocaine, now that I missed the last rapture boat to tuna town.

Defendant: Judge, I don't have much time. I was raptured last week and was allowed to come back to make a brief appearance on behalf of my client, Mr. Left Behind. What we said was, there was a 65 percent chance he'd be raptured. It turns out he fantasizes about riding midgets bareback. That didn't go down well with the big J.C. so he didn't make the cut.