Mar 25, 2005

Lizard Kids Made the Myths in FLA

A recently unearthed promotional film featuring a college-aged Jim Morrison has been made available to the public here. The film shows a young Lizard King checking his sun-drenched Florida State University mailbox while sporting cropped locks for the admission letter that never comes. The Adonis-to-be is also featured in a one-on-one interview with a starched collar school official type who breaks the news to the future rocker that school budget cuts will force course cancelations. After that, the viewer is left to wonder, what will happen to the young man? Maybe death.....

Mr. Mojo Risin left FSU shortly after this film was made (circa 1964) to seek his fortune in California, where indeed the myths were being made. But recently, his birth state of Florida is grabbing the headlines. From elections to Elian, 9-11 classroom show and tells to feeding tubes, shuttle malfunctions to serial killers, it seems that the Sunshine State is making its claim to be the "heart of it all." Natural disasters are truly common place across the narrow peninsula, and who knows if the future president is currenly looming a few steps from the Lizard Kid's former alma mater. Will Florida sink to the Atlantic in an Armageddon-like conflagaration, or lead the nation into the Neo-conservative literal translation 21st century? Sides are being chosen as we speak. One thing is for sure, Jim Morrison is having a big laugh at the shitstorms brewing in the Gulf of Mexico while eating some tacos at the great drive-thru in the sky.