Mar 24, 2005

Terri Speaks!!!

Thank Odin we have a man like Tom DeLay to separate truth from misinformation. TKID4 was perusing his website this morning and came across some startling facts.

According to DeLay “Mrs. Schiavo’s condition, I believe, has been at times misrepresented by the media, but far more often has simply gone unreported all together. Terri Schiavo is not on a respirator; she can breathe on her own. Terri Schiavo is not brain-dead; she talks and she laughs, and she expresses happiness and discomfort. Terri Schiavo is not on life-support."

Well that makes things a lot simpler. Terri speaks!! Quick, someone ask her if she wants us to put that tube back in.

One of two things is likely to happen in the next 72 hours. One, several thousand protestors rush the hospice where Schiavo "resides" causing the deaths of several other hospice residents before choking Terri to death with several hundred feeding tubes later to be sold on ebay as Relics. The other alternative is Tom DeLay, wearing a crown of thorns and flagellating his breasts, commands Terri at her bedside to rise and speak. As she summons the strength to break wind, DeLay takes it as a message from God that the State of Texas should be granted oil drilling rights at South Padre Island National Wildlife Sanctuary.