Mar 30, 2005

Terry Shiite-vo

Good thing America's newest brain dead darling isn't a child resting in an Iraqi hospice right now. Odds are, there would be no feeding tubes available to her.

According to the AP, nearly twice as many Iraqi children are going hungry at present as compared to when Saddam Hussein was discovered cowering in a rat hole...errr I mean found fighting it out with G.I.'s from a bombed out house before being taken prisoner.

"Four percent of Iraqis under age 5 went hungry in the months after Saddam's ouster in April 2003, and the rate nearly doubled to 7.7 percent last year"

TKID4 is still trying to trackdown the October 2004 U.S. study which estimated that "as many as 100,000 more Iraqis many of them women and children had died since the start of the U.S.-led invasion than would have been expected otherwise, based on the mortality rate before the war."

The TKID's wonder, if Terry wore a veil and spoke A-Rab, would she have even received a feeding tube in the first place? The only U.S. government assistance someone like her is likely to receive in a place like Fallujah is an army-issued boot to the groin or some overnight express delivered uranium-tipped ordinance.