Jan 2, 2005

tkid2 disaster event 3.0

Tkid 2 here: Tkid 1 is awol. I think the email address I have on him is outdated. It incorporates the name of his previous employer. I wrote him and suggested we grow a bumper crop of illegal pyschotropic mushrooms. He hasn't responded. I also don't know if he understands that this blog is up and running and awaiting his guidance.

My computer gave up the ghost on New Year's Eve and I lost every file I had when I was forced to reinstall my operating system. I am probably going to switch to Linux as soon as I figure out what that hell that is. I discovered bittorrent which is interesting, but I am sworn to download non-RIAA material, lest I offend. With my restore went all of my Ulrich Schnauss albums and choicest porn. I recommend www.legaltorrents.com btw, good stuff.
