Jan 11, 2005

pundit payola

Armstrong Williams, a prominent media pundit, was outed by USA Today as having received $240K from the Bush administration to promote the unpopular No Child Left Behind policy. Williams, as an African-American conservative, was well positioned to flack for the school accountability act. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/16/arts/16rich.html?pagewanted=1&oref=login

We here at tkid's blog see nothing wrong with a talking head raking in a little extra cash to make a point here and there. In fact, we'd like to take advantage of this opportunity to announce that the opinions espoused on tkid's blog are officially for sale. For as little as $4,000, we promise to post vehemently argued commentary on whatever cause our clients prefer. For a negotiable sum, we'll even take a campaign to the airwaves of our syndicated radio network, which is beamed via satellite from our studios in Kuala Lumpur. For more information, please contact our pundit salesperson, Dr. David LoPan, at david_lopan@hotmail.com

Remember, at tkid's blog, our opinion is your opinion - for a nominal fee.