Jan 7, 2005

bush opens his wallet, and his heart

President Bush scored heaps of flattering press for his personal donation of $10,000 to the tsunami relief efforts. To prove just how generous Bush was, I looked into our great leader's personal wealth. According to the nonpartisan Center for Public Integrity, Bush has a minimum annual income of $443,450 and a minimum of $7,663,048 in assets. Because these are minimums, as required for tax purpose reporting, he likely sits on far more bags of gold. See this site: www.bop2004.org/bop2004/candidate.aspx?cid=1&act=pfin

So, to put his donation in understandable terms, I figured out what it would be as a factor of my annual post-tax income, about $30K (TKID1 has no assets to speak of). The result: my equivalent donation would be about $37. I think I can swing that.