Jan 31, 2005

Freedom Fry Guys

TKID4 makes some interesting points about France. But I would like to point out that the nation of France stabbed the U.S. in the back with les sabres back in 03' when they decided to withdraw support for our armed struggle for democracy in Iraq. Not many spoke out against the French at the time, but I found that two brave U.S. Congressmen took up the standard of freedom and denounced the French huns.

They hit the French where it hurt the most. Food naming.

Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio and Walter Jones, R-North Carolina circulated a letter amongst Capitol Hill colleagues asking Congressional Cafeterias to change the names for "french toast" to "freedom toast" and "french fries" to "freedom fries."

"This action today is a small, but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France," said Rep. Ney. Coincidentally, Ney is the great-grand nephew of Marshall Ney, head of the French cavalry and one of Napoleon's Generals at Waterloo. Napoleon conferred the title of Le Brave des Braves' (The Bravest of the Brave) upon him. During the battle, he twice led the attack on the British centre, first at the head of the cavalry and then with the Old Guard, and he only retired from the field at nightfall, after five horses had been killed under him.

Representative Ney likewise led a valiant charge to edit the Rayburn Office Building cafeteria to replace the word "french bread" with "liberty loaf."

France had pressed the United Nations to give weapons inspectors more time in Iraq, saying the U.S. and British-led move to war wars premature.

Ha, that shows what the Frenchies knew. I guess they had egg on their faces when our troops discovered Saddam had amassed the world's largest stockpile of girl-on-girl videos and Liquid Viagra.

I bet TKID4 can't name one thing France has done to help the U.S., besides their support of the American colonies in their bid for independence, their financial support for our fledging country including acquiescence to the Louisiana Purchase, and their steadfast 200 year military alliance with us.