Jan 18, 2005

Happy B-Day TKIDS

January is a sacred month for the TKIDS. All three TKIDS share January as their birthday months. In particular, TKID1 and TKID3 were born on January 21 and 22 respectively.

January is named after Janus, the ancient Roman god of doorways. He possessed two faces so that he could watch both sides of an entrance at once. His name came to be associated with the first month of the year, and in Latin it was Januarius mensis "month of Janus".

TKID1 and TKID3 likewise share a common foundation but also have two distinct faces. These star crossed Aquariusessss often debate and argue their level of success and failure. However, the true portent of greatness resides, as the mystics believe, in the lives of other persons born on your birthdate. As such, the following comparison of notable personalities born on TKID1 and TKID3's birthdays reveals some startling clues as to the futures of the TKIDS.

TKID1: Born January 21.

1941 Placido Domingo (opera singer, great lover of women, Italian)
1940 Jack Nicklaus (greatest golfer of all time)
1939 Wolfman Jack (greatest radio entertainer disc jockey)
1927 Telly (Aristotle) Savalas (toughest Hollywood actor in history)
1925 Benny Hill (Greatest British comedian)
1905 Christian Dior (accomplished fashion designer)
1824 Stonewall (Thomas) Jackson (Civil War Confederate General)

As you can see, TKID1 was destined to be of the warrior ilk, competitive, strong willed, yet tempered with humor and grace. Let's review TKID3.

TKID3: Born January 22.

1960 Michael Hutchence (singer - INXS, committed suicide)
1959 Linda Blair (porn actress)
1949 Steve Perry (80's cheese rock singer)
1948 George Foreman (overweight boxer, grille salesman)
1935 Sam Cooke (singer, rapist, killed in shootout)
1934 Bill Bixby (actor, cancer victim)
1875 David (D.W. Griffith) (film producer and director, Ku Klux Klan member)

TKID1 is destined to become an overweight racist rapist and failing entertainer, dying after being shot with a cancer bullet.

Happy Birthday to the TKIDS!!!