Jan 5, 2005

Colin Powell Epiphany

So Colin Powell is surveying the damage from the Tsunami today. His quote, "I've Never Seen Anything Like This" is getting an awful lot of play in the press. That is a mouthful, considering a younger Colin was slugging it out with Charlie in the rice-fields of the Nam.

I am a little surprised his other quote, "I've seen shit that would turn you white" hasn't received as much airplay. Any quote is better than the one Anderson Cooper of CNN made last week, when during an accidentally recorded off-air briefing he remarked, "I'm tired of stepping in Sri Lankan shit." He later added, "I own this shitbag of a tsunami-torn region." BTW, Tkid just switched from VaVoom to Anderson's hair care product of choice, Tiger's Punch Extreme Sport Gel.

Swedish Ambassador to Thailand, Thor Balsec laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown Swede today in Phuket. The tomb design is markedly Swedish, with blue and yellow tones and machine washable cushions.
