Jan 6, 2005

fundamentalism forces flop?

Ollie Stone is raving about how "moral fundamentalism" caused his latest epic film, Alexander, to bomb at the box office. http://film.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,12589,1384483,00.html

Yeah, that's probably true. After all, movies and TV shows with effete, ambiguously gay or openly flaming characters NEVER do well in American flyover territory. Will & Grace you say? Huge bust. NBC is hemorraghing cash to keep that dog afloat. The same thing happened with the Batman flicks. As soon as Hollywood introduced the little sissy Robin, ably played by Chris O'Donnell, theatergoers ran for the exits. Of course, Stone's Alexander wasn't helped by the fact that Vail Kilmer, who starred as Al's daddy, went from Iceman to Fat Elvis in his later years. Wow. That guy must be up to three bills by now.