Jan 28, 2005

snowball fight at auschwitz

Today's Washington Post reports that VP Dick Cheney sported uniquely casual duds for a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Holocaust. The Dickster showed up at the event, which was held at the site of the Auschwitz death camp in Poland, wearing a fluffy-collared green parka that was emblazoned with his name. "It reminded one of the way in which children's clothes are inscribed before they are sent to camp," the Post writes. Cheney also wore a knit ski cap (which featured the mysterious inscription "Staff 2001"), big brown hiking boots and gloves -- making him stand out in stark contrast to the black overcoats and dignified fedoras worn by other world leaders, not to mention Cheney's own honorable look at the inaugural extravaganza just last week.

Cheney's playful get-up was no big deal, obviously, and the bogus "uproar" over it is but further evidence of the vast Left Wing media conspiracy. Sure, he may have crossed the line a bit when he threw the snowball at the Frenchie President, Jacques "Costeau" Chirac, or when he licked the gate to the death camp. Gleefully making snow angels during the ceremony was a mistake, clearly. And he probably shouldn't have yelled at his wife, Lynne, when she handed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that, due to her negligence, had not yet had the crusts removed. But seriously, aren't we over-reacting here? Cheney's the number two swinging Dick in the world, those Euros should count their lucky stars that he showed at all.