May 11, 2005

Washington Wimps

Another plane strayed into Washington, DC airspace today. The response on the part of Government workers and officials was predictable...and sad. Utter terror, confusion, panic, and sprinting to and fro. Even Dick Cheney hauled tail to an underground bunker. The plane was a small 2 or 4 seater, single engine variety. The type you see buzzing gently over tree tops on sunday afternoons in a Dayton, OH suburb or pulling a banner advertising "2 for 1 mixed drinks at Spinnakers" along a Panama City Beach coastline. Hardly the type of aircraft that would cause a city to collectively become incontinent. On this day, the colors that never run ran fast as hell. But why?

Two men were in the aircraft on their way to a North Carolina air show. They simply screwed up trying to skirt restricted airspace during their trip. More than likely one of them spilled his dip cup in the confined cabin, several "goddamns" were exchanged, the men bent over to clean off their Dickey's overalls and before they knew it they were on approach for the South Lawn.

The detour prompted a scrambling of U.S. fighter jets on a 9-11 scale, meaning two or three responded. They fired "flares" at the plane. Some accounts have an airforce pilot pulling alongside the plane and asking them politely to pull over for a minute. The plane was later escorted to a military base and the men placed in custody. Whew.

TKID4 wonders what happened to the country he used to call home. Where the eagle soared, where rambo ate things that would make a billygoat puke, where we didn't take any "S@$% from the commies. Now, a blip on a radar screen makes us run for the hills, sip our lattes and type away at our blackberries in one efficient and mindless motion.

Why didn't we just shoot that stupid plane right out of the sky. Just fire a sidewinder and vaporize those two pricks. We could show the F-16 nose cam film over and over on CNN. That would make other would-be Wiley Posts put some forethought into their flight plans. Moreover, it would balance out the videos and photos of cowering Americans now playing on Al-Jazeera. Can you imagine winter-hardened Moscovites acting this way if a small Cesena was approaching from the west towards the Kremlin? Putin would personally man the anti-aircraft gun and then light his cigar in the wreckage. TKID 4 would have more respect for Cheney if he did likewise, taking post on top of the White House and challenging that plane to a duel, rather than seeking refuge underground with the oversized D.C. swamp rats.