May 11, 2005

elections and eternal damnation

A young pastor who last fall told his congregation in North Carolina that those planning to vote Democrat should "repent or resign" has stepped down. Many of the pastor's congregation also fled their pews in protest when the Baptist pastor, Rev. Chan Chandler, left the pulpit of the East Waynesville Baptist Church on Tuesday night. (On a side note, have you ever noticed the incredible number of Waynesvilles? That Wayne was one prolific guy.)

Rev. Chandler refused to apologize for his tirades against Democrats, an act of defiance that was supported by many members of the church.

"I'm not going to serve with the ungodly," an angry Misty Turner declared to the AP, upon quitting with Rev. Chandler.

We here at TKID's Blog would like to commend Rev. "Charlie" Chan Chandler for his heroic stand. As one of the loyal members of his congregation told the AP, "If it's in the Bible, I believe it should be preached." And clearly, given my voluminous research on the Good Book, God prefers George W. Bush to all takers.

Democrats just aren't godly, as a wise man like old Chan knows. Furthermore, what role should a pastor take if not to lead his flock, particularly in spelling out for the morons how, exactly, to do such things as for whom to vote? This church was in East West Waynesboro, NC, for God's sake. Do you think that these inbred rednecks know how to tie their shoes without someone telling them how to do it? Come on. Self determination might work in those effete European nations like Germany, Holland and Argentina, where everyone wears wire-rim glasses and learns to read at age four, but not in the good old U.S. of A.