May 24, 2005

Playing Detective

A person wearing a Darth Vader mask robbed a Springfield, IL movie theater last evening. Springfield Police however have no one in custody and have few leads. Amazingly, the police claim to have no suspects.

TKID 4 would like to reprimand the Springfield Police for their ineptitude in this matter. It is obvious to everyone that Darth Vader is the robber. He was postively identifed at the scene. He's been in the area recently. He's evil. And he's been seen in theaters all over the U.S. this past week.

Darth Vader assaulted a lowly theater employee and took an undetermined amount of cash before running out of the theater and into a nearby wooded area, most likely to gain access to his concealed Imperial tie-fighter. No weapons were displayed. Perhaps his light saber was being repaired. He probably pulled the phantom choke manuever too.

When will our heroes in uniform learn to see the truth for what it is. The sooner we realize that a dark force is threatening the Jedi Council, the better for all of us. And Leia.