May 10, 2005

living in sin

Those freedom-hating cretins at the ACLU are at it again. Every good conservative blogger knows that the ACLU's lawyers are up all night, scheming of dastardly ways to undermine religious practices and The American Way of Life.

But they've gone way too fare with a lawsuit filed recently in North Carolina. The ACLU's latest salvo seeks to dismantle North Carolina's ban on cohabitation. The law, which has been on the books since 1805, prohibits unmarried couples from shacking-up to the tune of $1,000 fine and 60 days in jail. Six other states sport similar laws.

The ACLU's challenge is based on a suit filed by a female sheriff's deputy who was fired when she refused her boss's demand of marrying her boyfriend or moving out.

Now TKID5 can see why some people might not like government getting involved in peoples' decisions about who they live with. Jail might seem a bit stiff for a cohabiting couple who has yet to tie the knot. But not when you realize that cohabitation is the fast-track to living like the devil. If unmarried folks start living together, next thing they know they're shooting up heroin and engaging in bestiality. This is a culture war we're in, people, and it's time to choose sides. TKID5 knows he and the ACLU are staring each other down, hands on pistols. Whose side are you on?

This quote might help you make up your mind:

"We think that it's good to have a law against cohabitation because the studies show that couples that cohabitate before they're married, that their marriages are more prone to break up, there's less stability in the marriage," said Bill Brooks, executive director of the conservative North Carolina Family Policy Council, in an interview with the AP.

Listen to old Bill, he knows what he's talking about. That guy used to live with a female circus midget in the '50s. Needless to say, things didn't work out. But he saw the light, and so must we all.