May 27, 2005

I Heart (Hate) NY

Like many conservatives, we here at TKID's Blog were upset about the events of 9/11, not least of which because we were put in the unenviable position of having to pretend that we love New York City. Clearly, no place on the planet (with the possible exception of Paris and Moscow) is as antithetical to The American Way of Life as are that island chain of heathens that make up the five boroughs of NYC. Nevertheless, I was forced to put on a hat that read "FDNY" like everybody else in my Red State stomping grounds and act as if I, too, were part New Yorker.

Well, the statute of limitations has clearly been reached; it's once again acceptable to admit a general loathing of NYC. It makes me sick to even think of those effete liberals and gays who prance around those gilded city streets, walking their poodles with golden leashes, ordering around their au pairs and scooping up caviar by the gallon. Those people clearly hate America and everything it stands for.

TKID5 speaks from experience. He once visited Manhattan, and though he's a big enough man to admit that it wasn't quite what he expected - the crowds of immigrants, the bustle, grime, noise and palpable energy was downright frightening - he still hated the place. The time has come for all of us to proudly admit our NYC hatred. And I'll take it a step further: we here at TKID's Blog propose a forced secession of NYC for treason against things American. We can process all New Yorkers at Ellis Island, stripping their citizenship and, if they're hot, strip-search them. Then, we can barricade off Manhattan like they did in "Escape from New York." We'll all be much better off once this is accomplished.