May 5, 2005

monkey business - part II

Hearings over the teaching of evolution began today before the Kansas Board of Education. Complete with lawyers and "expert" testimony, the trial is a reprise of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925. Only this time, evolution is under fire, not creationism.

"This is the Scopes trial turned on its head," proudly proclaimed Bruce Chapman, president of the Seattle-based Discovery Institute, in an interview with the AP.

We here at TKID's Blog see the Kansas monkey debate as progress, erasing the wrongheaded direction in which our nation's education has drifted since the '20s, when booze was still banned - a far greater abomination than the Scopes trial.

The well-funded Discovery Institute is among the groups leading the charge against Darwin's idiotic premise that humans evolved from monkeys, and before that, bacteria and the like. The Institute explains the main thrust on its Web site, stating that it "favors teaching students about the scientific evidence for and against neo-Darwinism." The con arguments, apparently, are that natural selection and random mutations may not be "sufficient to explain the complexity of life."

Though the Institute and their posse don't come out and admit it, only one entity is powerful enough to create the wondorous majesty of life in all its complexities (such as TKID5's absurdly splendid liver, which has managed to keep him alive by processing approximately 15,000 alcoholic beverages during his lifetime). That's right: The Big Guy Upstairs.

The whole intelligent design theory thing does bother TKID5, however. Are we supposed to buy the bible's explanation if not Darwin's? Because TKID5 loves the dinosaurs - particularly the TREX, yeah! - and can't seem to get his head around the indisputable fact that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Did the Big Guy hide those dinosaur bones out in Utah just to throw us off the scent of intelligent design? If so, sweet move! You totally fooled me - talk about intelligent.

The bottom-line is that anyone who thinks a billion generations of regenerating life forms could ever result in the perfection that is TKID5 is a total fool. I'm about as close to Adonis Godly as anyone can get. There is NO DOUBT that the Big Guy drew me up on his drafting board in the sky. The only people who believe that evolution BS are self-loathing, America-hating liberals. Face it people, we're all divine perfection. Deal with it.