Jun 3, 2005

In Deep Qaa Qaa

The U.N. announced that its "satellite imagery experts" have determined that some rather nasty dual-use WMD material has been removed from 109 different locations in Iraq since 2003. One site which caught the attention of inspectors was the Qaa Qaa industrial complex south of Baghdad, where a substantial amount of chemical manufacturing equip and material has turned up missing.

U.N. inspectors have not been allowed on the ground in Iraq since the start of the war but continue to monitor through satellite photos sites known to contain chem and bio weapons manfuacturing equipment. This announcement is included in a report to the U.N. Security Council which does not contain indications of where this voluminous material may have ended up. TKID4 was provided exclusive photos of southern Iraq by a source deep within the Galactic Empire which showed what appeared to be Jawa Sandcrawler tracks streaking across the vast desert. Whether there is any connection between the fictional nomadic midget sand traders and the material theft remains to be seen.

There has been no response from U.S. authorities to the U.N. report, but TKID4 is betting that this material was ferreted away long ago by U.S. Special Forces. This does produce the troubling thought however that the U.S. government was withholding their activities from the U.N. The only uranium-tip producing chink in the armor of my theory that Uncle Sam is behind the house cleaning in Iraq are previous reports from the U.N. commission charged with monitoring the sites, known as UNMOVIC, which disclosed the discovery of material from several of the looted sites showing up in Jordan and the Netherlands. With this equipment making its way to Europe most likely by sea, TKID4 is wondering if the Bush Administration was right all along. Perhaps Iraq did have WMD's (or at least the capacity to make them). For those who long for the days when such material was accounted for, TKID4 asks you this. Would you rather have them concentrated in the hands of a madman like Saddam, or on several hundred non-descript global containment ships pulling up to a harbor near you?