Jun 10, 2005

Crossing Over

TKID4 is a big fan of John Edward, self-proclaimed medium and until recently television star. His show "Crossing Over" was cancelled due to poor ratings but his contribution to society lives on. Many fans were crushed by the sudden cancellation of his show. One in particular created a moving web tribute to the psychic-stud, as can be seen here. Be sure and have a box of skin-sensitive tissues nearby when you open this page though, as the musical tribute to this man will move you to otherworldly tears.

One conservative watchdog group is comparing the talents of John Edward to failed V.P. candidate and personal injury attorney John Edwards. Apparently Edwards claimed at trial to be channeling his cerebral palsy-afflicted client's words through him and into the jurors' ears. The jury later awarded the plaintiff several million dollars.

Both Johns may have more free time on their hands at the moment, but John Edward has left the t.v. studio in favor of a lengthy international tour. Prices at several of the venues, including major cities Chicago, NYC and South Florida run $175 pp. For his reluctant trips to the sticks, including Cleveland, Minneapolis and Salt Lake, $59 gets you in the door. No word if the accuracy of Edward's cold calls increase as the ticket prices escalate.

TKID4 will be sending its NYC correspondent Ted "TKed" Kiegals to Edward's appearance there in late summer. Please feel free to write in with questions you may like us to ask John at that time. None of those questions will be asked however, as John doesn't allow much from his audience members except for "yes," "no" and "who should I make this check out to?"