Jun 24, 2005

Back to War

To all of my readers, both of you, my deepest apologies. TKID's Blog has indeed been dormant of late, like a liquor store on a Sunday morning, and I have little excuse. Nonetheless, I will hazard one. The One And Only TKID recently paid me, and the fine ladies of this town, a visit. It was one hell of a tour, and the worst bender this kid has seen since that weekend in Vegas, Circus Circus to be exact, circa 1998. Bygones. Suffice to say that the reek of booze and sleepless evenings put the noble pursuit of truth that is TKID's Blog on the back burner.

When I awoke from my stupor, my guilt was stoked beyond the usual hungover self-revulsion by the heroic comments of my role model, the brilliant Karl Rove. This man, the moral compass that TKID5 looks to on dark days, offered inspiring words to a gathering in NYC this weekend. A snippet follows:

"Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers," Rove said.

After reading this line, I flashed back to that horrid day, where, over drinks at my local watering hole, I witnessed just this sort of treachery. Everywhere, liberals were applauding the terrorists, offering explanations for their actions, and discussing the need to ship therapists to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. I was outraged, and went home to polish my .22 rifle. Before long, I was practicing my marching in the back yard, and summoning the courage to sign up for the special forces. After banging out 25 pushups - in one session - I knew I was ready for the Navy Seals. But on the way to the Marine Corps recruiting center, I spotted the beckoning neon of Coors Light at a fine public house, and the rest is history.

Needless to say, my shame is complete. But now, with the words of encouragement from Karl Rove, I realize it's time for me to go to war. I'm putting down this beer, and doing crunches right now.

Over, and out!