Feb 9, 2005

Indiana Jones and the Tower of Babel

Harrison Ford is slated to star in the $50 million Hollywood epic film, The Taking of Fallujah, a U.S. Marine Corps unit's account of the fall of the Iraqi city several months back.

Ford will be playing none other than Lt. General Mattis, who commanded the forces which ultimately took the embattled "Fortress Fallujah."

The casting of Ford is not without controversy. Many citizens feel that Ford's anti-war stance does not jive with the rough and ready/blood and guts attitude of Gen. Mattis. In particular, the forces at "blackfive" are calling for Ford to withdraw from the filming field, with honor.


It was also announced today that a $200 million film is currently being shot in the deserts of Tanis. Entitled, The Making of the Taking of Fallujah, the film will explore the controversy surrounding the casting of Harrison Ford in the role of Lt. General Mattis for the film The Taking of Fallujah. It is rumored that the role of Ford is being played by Sean Penn.