Feb 28, 2005

Giant Squids Rock

TKID4 was reading about giant squids and came across this account of a showdown between a badass squid and sperm whale:

In 1965, a Soviet whaler watched a battle between a squid and a 40 ton sperm whale. In this case neither were victorious. The strangled whale was found floating in the sea with the squid's tentacles wrapped around the whale's throat. The squid's severed head was found in the whale's stomach.

Now, this story is brought to us by lying, thieving, commie bastards. But I am hoping it is true, because this is cool. I am wondering how big that squid was to take down a 2,400,000 lb whale. Here's another story which may offer some ideas:

One night during World War II a British Admiralty trawler was lying off the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean. One of the crew, A. G. Starkey, was up on deck, alone, fishing, when he saw something in the water:

"As I gazed, fascinated, a circle of green light glowed in my area of illumination. This green unwinking orb I suddenly realized was an eye. The surface of the water undulated with some strange disturbance. Gradually I realized that I was gazing at almost point-black range at a huge squid." Starkey walked the length the of the ship finding the tail at one end and the tentacles at the other. The ship was over one hundred and seventy five feet long.

BTW, TKID4 loves his desk job. To hell with sailing the high seas of adventure, looking for squid and pirates. Desk jockeying is the shiznit. Throw another fax on the fire boys.