Apr 14, 2005

eggheads hate america

Now that Republicans run all three branches of government (those activist judges have been a bit of a pain in the judiciary) we conservative bloggers have been forced to turn our energy elsewhere. In addition to the liberal media conspiracy, we've focused on the daily outrages foisted upon innocent minds at our nation's college campuses. Bill Hawkins, an incensed letter writer in today's Washington Examiner says it best, arguing that colleges, particularly those focusing on the social sciences, "have become the pampered homes of eggheads who are anti-social and irrational in their hatred of America."

Damn straight.

TKID3 can remember when his American Dream was crushed upon his arrival at college so many years ago. I had long looked forward to receiving my higher education at a place where I could join other sportscoat and penny-loafer wearing young males in the innocent pursuit of collegiate bliss. I daydreamed of an evening when, after finishing practice for my barbershop quartet, I could head over to the fraternity house and engage in wholesome revelry, such as giving my fraternity pin to my main squeeze or spanking a nude pledge with my hand-whittled paddle.

What I actually discovered at college was horrid. The dorms were chaotic places with drug-smoking fiends, none of whom had any interest in the time-honored tradition of being humiliated by God-loving fraternity boys. The infernal music and sounds of pagan partying blared at all hours of the day. And the girls! No Betty Crocker-aspiring, Laura Bush-esque co-eds here. Feminism had crept into their frail minds, and we men were actually expected to perform for them! No effort, no best girl. Women never even so much as a glanced at a traditional man like myself.

Things went from bad to worse, and I gradually dropped into a deep stupor: barricading myself in my dorm room, watching infomercials all night long and wearing a curtain to cover-up my massive and swelling girth. At one point, a concerned student called security to see if I was still alive. When they tried to open the door, a huge pile of empty Southern Comfort bottles blocked the paramedics' path.

Dark days indeed.

But with the fearless lead of our nation's finest bloggers, we can turn the clock back at our college campuses. I'll be praying that it isn't too late.