Apr 8, 2005

cash money smells green

TKID3 is no fan of Indiana's men and women in blue, a fact reinforced by the recent story from the Indianapolis Star headlined: "Man caught with cash smelling of pot."

Apparently the crack detectives caught a whiff of crime after being handed $400 in cash from some sucker trying to bail-out his brother-in-law.

From the article:

"When I walked back toward the jail I noticed the money was damp and smelled funny," [the dispatcher] said.

A jailer who sniffed the money told her it smelled like marijuana, she said.

The cops then searched the guy's car and turned up a lame amount of pot, but enough to lock him up.

One has to wonder, did these crack detectives recognize the stink of weed from a cop seminar named something like: "Recognizing the Aroma of Dangerous Narcotics 101" or from their own experience firing up Jimmy's four-foot bong in the back of a hobbit-mural-adorned van?

It's a good thing TKID3 didn't grow up in the hoosier state. I once managed to spill a massive quantity of bong water on the sweatshirt of a kid who refused to touch drugs. That kid, an innocent in the war on drugs, smelled as if he'd rolled around in a vat of Vancouver kind buds. Indiana's finest would've locked him up for life on stink evidence alone.